Cold Weather Tips for Fuel Economy

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Cold Weather Tips for Fuel Economy
By: Luke Shaff ~ 11/17/2016

The Redmond area can get pretty cold during wintertime.  Cold weather is generally inconvenient, with having to bundle up every time you step outside and take off muddy shoes every time you come back in.  What you may not realize is that cold weather also has an effect on your fuel economy, and thus your need for auto maintenance.

Performance Drops in Winter

Your car's systems are not as efficient in the winter as they are during warmer months of the year, so you're fuel economy may suffer.  It's important to get your battery checked before cold weather hits because cold weather can cause batteries to die, especially in older cars.

Winter Auto Maintenance

Older vehicles generally require more prepping for winter, from checking your battery to changing your windshield wipers and fluid.  Taking your car into a reputable auto shop this winter is the best way to ensure that your car will make it through another Washington winter.  Whether the forecast calls for snow or low temperatures, a free inspection and recommended repairs can help your car get where you need to go for another winter.

How You Can Improve Your Fuel Economy

Many car owners let the motor run while they wait for the car to “warm up."  In newer cars, this step is unnecessary and will actually cut into your fuel economy if you let the motor idle for more than about a minute.  Only classic cars and older models require this type of babysitting.  Also, make sure your tires are properly inflated to preserve road control and fuel economy.

Luke's Automotive Service Shop in Redmond specializes in keeping your car safe for the road.  We'll do a safety check including brakes to make sure your call is safe and efficient this winter season.

Schedule an appointment, or call 425-885-4333.